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Projects, Services, Groups and Meetings

For adults with physical, sensory and invisible impairments, who live or work in Kensington and Chelsea. The ADKC Centre is open Monday - Friday from 9.30 - 5pm. Groups and meetings will be hybrid. Join us at the ADKC Centre or join us online. Click here for our privacy policy


Voice of Experience Project

Supporting ADKC members to share their experience to become campaigning leaders.

Please contact Theresa:  07729 573 963

Theresa works Monday and Thursday. 


Volunteer Project 
Delivering food, prescriptions and other essentials to isolated local disabled people.

Please contact Mary Ann: / 07762 190 971
Mary Ann works 9.30 AM – 5 PM on a Tuesday.

Information and Advice Project

Assisting people with disability related enquiries. Help to fill in forms including Employment Support Allowance, Personal Independence Payment, Taxi card, Freedom pass. 
Please contact Marian: / 07545 506 114 
Marian works 9.30 AM – 5 PM, Monday to Friday.

Click here for the flyer about the Information and Advice Drop-in on Mondays from 2 to 4pm

Independent Living / Personal Budgets Project

For disabled people who need additional support to live an independent life. Information, one-to-one and group support for people who have a social care need, including help with assessments, monitoring and recruiting personal assistants. 
Please contact Jenny: / 07922 811 281 [Text /WhatsApp preferred]

Jenny works 9.30 AM – 5 PM, Monday to Friday. 

Personal Development

Another part of the Independent Living project - to identify or improve your skills and expand your interests. Supporting you to use your experiences for peer support for other members. 

Please contact Glenda:

Glenda works on Wednesday and Thursday mornings.


Legal Advice Project
Specialist legal advice on disability-related benefits, discrimination and general casework.
Please contact Carla: 
Carla works 9.30 AM – 5 PM, Monday to Friday.


Disability Connection Project

Supporting people to be less isolated. Offering emotional support and the opportunity to explore the activities you would like to participate in.
Please contact Simone: / 07595 968 587
Simone works 9.30 AM – 5 PM, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Click for the latest Disability Connections Flyer (PDF file)

Access Project

Campaigning to make Kensington and Chelsea a more accessible place for Disabled people.
Please contact Mariya:
Mariya works on Wednesday 3 pm – 4.30 pm, Thursday and Friday afternoon.

Youth Peer Support Project

Peer support for young people living with disability or chronic illness who live, work, study or volunteer in Kensington and Chelsea.

Please contact Hannah:

Hannah works on Monday and Friday.

Other ADKC staff

Chief Executive. 

Please contact Jamie Renton: / 07395531129

Jamie works Monday - Friday

Office Manager. 

Please contact: Beverley Powell: 8960 8888

Beverley works Monday - Thursday

Executive Committee Members.

Please see the About ADKC page for a list of current Executive Committee members.

Groups and Meetings

Positive Empowerment Group (PEG)

Confidential peer support and counselling group. Friendly group atmosphere - any issues welcome.

Every 3rd Monday of the month, 11 - 1 PM.

Contact Glenda at for more information.

Positive Rights Action Group (PRAG) / Voice of Experience Group

Campaigning group run by and for local disabled people.

Every second and fourth Monday of the month, 12 PM -1 PM

Contact Theresa at for more information.

Happy Group

A fun meeting to help people recognise the positives in life!

Every 1st Monday of the month, 11 AM - 1 PM.

Contact Glenda at for more information.

Trauma Support Group

An opportunity to talk in confidence and receive the support you need to deal with traumatic experiences (including isolation in the current crisis) with an experienced counsellor at hand.

Every Tuesday, 11 AM - 1 PM.

Contact Glenda at for more information.

Personal Development Group

A monthly workshop providing members with one-to-one support to develop their skills and interests. 1st Wednesday of each month, 11 AM - 1 PM.

Contact Glenda at for more information.

Personal Budget User group

Peer support sessions about care issues for anyone who receives care and support, whether paid for by a council Personal Budget, through CHC Personal Health Budgets, paid for privately, or support from a friend or relative. 

Every 3rd Wednesday of the month, 11 AM - 1 PM.

Contact Jenny at for more information.

Click for the latest Independent Living and Personal Budget User group flyer.

Access Group

A group of local disabled people who campaign to make Kensington and Chelsea a more accessible place.

Every two weeks, on Thursday, 3 PM - 4.30 PM.

Contact Mariya at  for more information.

Action Disability Kensington and Chelsea is an organisation run by and for disabled people.

Find us at: ADKC Centre, Whitstable House, Silchester Road, LONDON W10 6SB.

Call us: 020 8960 8888.

Registered Charity 1045769.
Company Number 3040329.
Registered in the United Kingdom.

View our privacy policy here

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